I Hear My Friends
It took me by surprise
to see her on the street
with another man
I did not want to meet.
But she saw me walking by.
She took me by the hand.
She showed me to her man
so I would understand
how he was dressed in white
and I was dressed in black.
How she had seen the light
How she would not look back
Then she held up her hand
to hide her eyes in shade,
just as I tried to see
how she was still afraid.
I hear my friends
and they’re all telling me
that everything’s OK
That I should let her be
That I was so enslaved
by wanting to be free,
I thought that love was blind.
But, love can see.
She read me like a book
a grocery story would sell.
She said— You’re looking good.
I said— How can you tell?
Her heart is like a bank.
My song is like a gun.
And I like to pretend
I can’t hurt anyone.
Yes, I like to pretend
I can’t hurt anyone.
February 16th, 1996 to
February 11th, 1997
Pine Flat, CA
lyrics © 1997 by David Nigel Lloyd
Music © 1996 Dave Soyars (BMI)